
NUR09722: Reflect on your everyday practice and try to identify a situation which represented an ethical problem or dilemma. Exploring the Theory and Application of Law and Ethical Reasoning in Nursing Practice assignment

NUR09722: Reflect on your everyday practice and try to identify a situation which represented an ethical problem or dilemma. Exploring the Theory and Application of Law and Ethical Reasoning in Nursing Practice assignment

Module / Subject / School:

NUR09722: Exploring the Theory and Application of Law and Ethical Reasoning in Nursing Practice

Edinburgh Napier University



The purpose of this reflective essay is to enable you to identify and achieve the prescribed learning outcomes of this module, NUR09722 Exploring the Theory and Application of Law and Ethical Reasoning in Nursing Practice. You are required to write about an ethical experience from practice, relating it to their reading and knowledge gained from the module and providing evaluation and analysis of what you have learned
Summative Assessment


Learning Outcome 1 will be addressed by briefly examining the importance of law and ethics in nursing practice. It will be important to align your discussion with the Singapore Nursing Board’s Code for Nurses and Midwives, 2018.

Also highlight the importance of self-regulation/reflection in nursing practice.

Your discussion must be supported with academic evidence and references using the APA 7th ed. School of Health and Social Care citation method.

Word Count Guide: Approximately 300 words

Ethical Case Scenario

Reflect on your everyday practice and try to identify a situation which represented an ethical problem or dilemma. Identify the bioethical principles that are in conflict, as these will be discussed in-depth to evaluate the situation in the following section (the main body). The situation may also involve relevant legal and/or professional issues which it may be appropriate to address.

The chosen situation should be written on the basis of the work you have already done for the formative assessment (please ensure you maintain confidentiality/privacy at all times and do not use any patient identifiers, please reference the SNB code of practice).

All references must be cited using the APA 7th ed. School of Health and Social Care citation method.

Word Count Guide: Approximately 500 words

Main Body

Learning Outcomes 2, 3 and 4 will be addressed by discussing, analysing and evaluating the research and evidence base that informs the discussion related to the case scenario from an ethical standpoint taking into account relevant ethical, legal and/or professional issues as appropriate and with reference to supporting academic literature.

When planning your main body section, it may be helpful for you to structure this section using the bioethical principles as your ethical framework (Autonomy, Nonmaleficence, Beneficence and Justice). You should also consider the philosophical theories of deontology, utilitarianism and values-based care as appropriate. It is also important to consider the legal aspects of this case and your professional code of conduct, see:  Singapore Nursing Board’s Code for Nurses and Midwives, 2018.

Your discussion must be supported with academic evidence and references using the APA 7th ed. School of Health and Social Care citation method.

Word Count Guide: Approximately 1,750 words


Summarise the key aspects discussed in the main body. Include evidence of new learning. The conclusion should be written in the third person.

Word Count Guide: approximately 250 words

Action Plan

Learning Outcome 4 is addressed by reflecting on how this learning will inform future practice and you should develop an Action Plan to address what would be best practice if the situation arose again?

  • You need to think about the things you have learned from this situation, so you should refer to the new learning you identified in the ethical case scenario and consider whether you were satisfied with the outcomes or whether you would handle the situation differently in the future.
  • You should also summarise the implications for your future nursing practice

 This Action Plan should be written in the 1st person

Word Count Guide: 700 words


Please include a list of the references you used to support your writing throughout your summative assessment here. These must follow the APA 7th ed. referencing style and be written in alphabetical order by first author’s surname.

What we score:


Our Writer’s Comment 

This assignment tests students on their understanding of the law and ethics of practical nursing.

Based on the assignment requirements provided, here are some comments to help students score well on this assignment:

Introduction (Approximately 300 words):

  • Briefly discuss the importance of law and ethics in nursing practice.
  • Align your discussion with the Singapore Nursing Board’s Code for Nurses and Midwives, 2018.
  • Emphasize the significance of self-regulation and reflection in nursing practice.
  • Support your discussion with academic evidence and references using APA 7th ed. citation method.

Ethical Case Scenario (Approximately 500 words):

  • Reflect on your everyday practice and identify an ethical problem or dilemma you encountered.
  • Clearly state the bioethical principles that were in conflict in the identified situation.
  • Ensure confidentiality and privacy by not using patient identifiers and adhering to the SNB code of practice.
  • Cite all references using the APA 7th ed. citation method.

Main Body (Approximately 1,750 words):

  • Discuss, analyze, and evaluate the research and evidence base related to the ethical case scenario.
  • Use the bioethical principles (Autonomy, Nonmaleficence, Beneficence, and Justice) as your ethical framework.
  • Consider philosophical theories like deontology, utilitarianism, and values-based care as appropriate.
  • Address relevant legal and professional issues, referring to the Singapore Nursing Board’s Code for Nurses and Midwives, 2018.
  • Support your arguments with academic evidence and references following APA 7th ed. citation method.

Conclusion (Approximately 250 words):

  • Summarize the key aspects discussed in the main body.
  • Demonstrate evidence of new learning from the reflective process.
  • Write the conclusion in the third person.

Action Plan (700 words):

  • Reflect on your learning from the ethical case scenario and identify new insights.
  • Develop an Action Plan for best practices if a similar situation arises in the future.
  • Consider whether you were satisfied with the outcomes and discuss how you would handle the situation differently.
  • Summarize the implications for your future nursing practice.
  • Write the Action Plan in the first person.


  • Include a list of all references used throughout the essay, following the APA 7th ed. referencing style.
  • Arrange the references in alphabetical order by the first author’s surname.

By adhering to these guidelines, providing clear explanations, supporting your arguments with appropriate evidence, and using the correct citation style, you can craft a comprehensive and well-structured reflective essay.

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