
MO9521: Evaluate the strengths and weakness of the intermodal/multimodal choice and transport strategy for the delivery of goods at the different points of the supply networks of your chosen company. Transport & Inventory Management assignment

MO9521: Evaluate the strengths and weakness of the intermodal/multimodal choice and transport strategy for the delivery of goods at the different points of the supply networks of your chosen company. Transport & Inventory Management assignment

Module / Subject / School:

MO9521 Transport & Inventory Management

Northumbria University


Instructions on Assessment:

Below are two question topics pertinent to this module; you are instructed to answer BOTH using the resources available to you in the form of a referenced report. This report will articulate your knowledge of the module subject. The report is to be concise and clear in its meanings and be 2500 words +/-10%. Each answer to the question topic should be broadly the same length. Remember you must include an executive summary of around 200 words in length to summarise the whole report, which will NOT count towards your total word count.

Topic 1:

Warehousing in its many guises appears at different points across supply chain networks.  Intermodal choice is also important for the overall performance of the supply chain. Select one of the following scenarios (one company) and give your answers:

Select ONE of these companies: Unilever, Inditex, H&M, Intel, Nestle, Nike, Starbucks, Amazon, Nissan, Toyota, BMW, Tesco, Ikea, McDonald’s, KFC, Wilmar, Mengniu Dairy, Procter & Gamble, Coca-Cola and L’Oréal

  1. Describe the design of the supply networks and supply chain facilities.
  2. Identify and explain the movement of goods (including forward and reverse logistics) and warehousing functions.
  3. Evaluate the strengths and weakness of the intermodal/multimodal choice and transport strategy for the delivery of goods at the different points of the supply networks

You MUST use diagrams and flow charts to illustrate and underpin your analysis.

You MUST provide various examples from the literature sources to underpin your arguments.  This question carries 45% of the marks.

Topic 2:

For the case company you selected in Topic 1 answer the following questions:

  1. How important is facility location to the case company’s success? Explain the factors the company may have taken into consideration when selecting the specific location facility.
  2. Discuss the key location issues hindering the company’s future expansion and sustainability.

You MUST provide various examples from the literature sources to underpin your arguments.  This question carries 45% of the marks;

The remaining 10% of the marks are awarded for executive summary, presentation, reference style and layout.


To reflect the level of critical analysis and evaluation required at L5, the individual submission should NOT contain less than 30 references drawn from the academic literature, journals, trade magazines, professional institutes, company reports, trade bodies etc.

Outcomes Assessed:

The course work is designed to enable the student to demonstrate their understanding of, and ability to apply, all learning outcomes listed within the learning, teaching and assessment plan.

Assessment Activities:

Each student must write, and submit a referenced report addressing the tasks identified for the submission above.

Please answer these two topics separately under numbered headings/sub-headings and use academic theories and examples to support your discussions. You are expected to use all material from lectures, seminars and also use an appropriate number of academic resources including textbooks and peer reviewed academic journal papers from the module reading list and other databases.

Your need to include a title page, a page for the table of contents and a separate page for the executive summary. You may also include an appendix for relevant supporting material, but your main arguments must be included in the body of the report.

What we score:


Our Writer’s Comment 

This assignment tests students on their understanding of the module concepts.

Based on the assignment requirements provided, here are some comments to help students score well on this assignment:

Topic 1:

When addressing this question, choose one company from the provided list, such as Unilever, Inditex, H&M, Intel, Nestle, Nike, Starbucks, Amazon, Nissan, Toyota, BMW, Tesco, Ikea, McDonald’s, KFC, Wilmar, Mengniu Dairy, Procter & Gamble, Coca-Cola, or L’Oréal. In your report, describe the design of the supply networks and supply chain facilities for the selected company. Explain the movement of goods, including both forward and reverse logistics, and discuss the warehousing functions within the supply chain. It is crucial to provide clear diagrams and flow charts to support and illustrate your analysis. Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the intermodal/multimodal choice and transport strategy employed by the company at different points in the supply networks. Back up your arguments with examples and evidence from relevant literature sources. This question carries 45% of the marks.

Topic 2:

For the same company you selected in Topic 1, address the following questions in your report. Discuss the importance of facility location to the success of the case company, considering the factors the company may have taken into account when selecting the specific location for its facilities. Analyze and explain the key location issues that may hinder the company’s future expansion and sustainability. It is essential to support your arguments with various examples from literature sources. This question carries 45% of the marks.

Other Requirements:

Ensure that your report is concise, clear, and well-structured, with approximately 2500 words (+/- 10%) for each topic. Include an executive summary of around 200 words, which will not count towards your total word count. Use appropriate numbered headings and subheadings to address each topic separately. Make sure to incorporate academic theories and examples from the module’s reading list, lectures, seminars, and other relevant academic resources, such as textbooks and peer-reviewed journal papers. Your report should include a title page, table of contents, and a separate page for the executive summary. If necessary, include an appendix for supporting material, but focus on presenting your main arguments in the body of the report.

Remember to adhere to proper referencing and citation style, including a sufficient number of references (at least 30) drawn from academic literature, journals, trade magazines, professional institutes, company reports, trade bodies, and other relevant sources.

To maximize your score, thoroughly address each topic, demonstrate critical analysis and evaluation, and provide clear and supported arguments using a range of academic resources. Pay attention to the presentation, reference style, and layout to ensure a polished final report.

By following these instructions and meeting all the requirements, you can increase your chances of scoring well on this assignment.

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