
Fair Use Policy

Fair Use Policy

We would like to remind our customers that any customised essays are only provided as a model essay or learning aid to help with the understanding of academic materials. Customers must never submit these essays as their own work, either in part or in total, to their institute of education. Below are the correct ways on how to make full use of our services.

  • Examine the essay structure: This gives you a sense of the kind of structure suitable for answering your paper. Take a look at the contents page to help with this.
  • Search relevant literature: The essay will refer you to a variety of literature which you can explore. You can even search for similar works written by the same authors to broaden your perspective on the topic.
  • Understand the ideas and argument: Reading through the whole model essay will allow you to grasp the main ideas and arguments conveyed by our writers. This will help you to develop your own ideas for your essay.
  • Learning the structure: Looking at how sentences are structured and how language is used will also help you to put forward your ideas clearly and concisely.

Learning by example is one of the most effective educational tools. This is why our services are so beneficial to you. Check out some of our other terms and conditions which will be useful to you. If you value your privacy as much as we do yours, you can also check out our privacy policy.