“Wait. Why are you so expensive?”
You may wonder why are we so expensive. But are we really? Here are some points for you to consider.
Cheap services produce work that pass some times and fail most of the times.
Most cheap services simply don’t care if you pass or fail the assignment. Without quality control, the work that they produce for you is inconsistent and may result in a fail. That means retaking the same module which cost a lot more money and time.
Our work is 100% sure pass. Otherwise, you get back double the money you’ve paid
When you order from us, there are no “What-ifs” or uncertainty. Your work will guarantee to pass, or you get back 200% of what you paid. You can see what our customers say about us.
We don’t use Indian/Bangladeshi Writers
Many services can be cheaper because they use writers from countries like India and Bangladesh. These services lack understanding of the Singapore context and can produce work that are questionable. Worse still, many of such services are now claiming to be from Australia, Singapore or UK. However, if they can offer writing service at such a cheap rate, it is likely that something is amiss somewhere.
We use mostly Singaporean Writers
Many of our writers are Singaporeans and all of them have to go through the inkmypapers training program to make sure the works our writers produce are of good quality.
Cheap services don’t do refunds
If you are unhappy with their work or simply has a change of mind, most cheap services do not offer any refund. Instead, they will offer credits refund where you can use the ‘refund’ only to purchase more of their services.
We offer cash refunds
If you have not ordered from us before and will like to check the quality of our work, you can simply place the order and request for a short draft. If you are unhappy with the draft quality, we will process the full refund back.
Cheap services accept almost all types of work
Even when they have no expertise and definitely no experience in working on a particular assignment, they will accept it no matter what.
We only take on assignments we are confident in scoring
Considering that we offer sure-pass 200% money-back guarantee on all assignment writing orders, we are careful with the assignments we take on and only accept assignments that we are confident in scoring. So when you place an order with us, you can be sure that your work will be done in quality.
Cheap services are uncontactable through phone or face-to-face
Many cheap services can only be contactable through email or their online chat. Many of their ‘offices’ are shell office with no one actually working there.
We are a local business contactable through phone and even available for meet ups
As a Singapore-registered business, we are always available on phone and you can even make an appointment to meet us in our office. Just give us a call here!
Ready to place the order?
More than having hardworking people working on your assignment, you get the following with every order
—  Sure-Pass 200% money-back guarantee
—  Plagiarism Report by Grammarly Premium
—  Quality Control Report
—  5 days Unlimited Revision Period
—  Dedicated Support Manager