
4 Tips to Learn How to Balance Work and School Efficiently

School on its own can be a struggle. With the constant roll of assignments, exams, and various other tasks to juggle, it can be a lot to take in at times. Add work into that mix and find yourself at the helm of being overwhelmed. Splitting your attention between work and school can be stressful. Due to the demands of both, people who work a full-time job while studying are always struggling to find an equilibrium in their lives. Both are big commitments, especially if you’re studying a part time degree.

Balancing work and school come with its own set of potential downsides. Feeling overworked from fulfilling your responsibilities for both could lead you to experience burnout. If you are working too much, it can also cause your studies to flounder. The stress from this can lead to sleep loss, depression, or other health problems too. However, though not ideal, you can definitely conquer meeting the demands of your job and your education. With a little focus, planning, and help, you can confidently learn how to juggle both – successfully.

1. Have a Designated Space for Schoolwork

Simulate a learning environment for yourself. Having an organised and designated space for schoolwork can help to foster optimum learning. The purpose of the space should be instantly apparent. It should set the tone for whoever is spending their time in that environment. The furniture and indoor design should work together to support wellbeing and productivity.

So, what does a good study station at home need? It should effectively bring life and by its very nature demands minimal distraction. Let’s start with what to leave out. Try to avoid the following in your study space: your phone, messy food/drinks, lots of open tabs on your computer. The goal of a study space is to maximise attention and these tend to do the opposite.

Essential items for your study space include a comfortable yet ergonomic chair. If you feel that you may work better with a switch of positions, you may also want to think about trying a standing desk setup. Your desk should be able to hold all the items you need and allow you to easily access them. This includes your computer, textbooks, notebooks, stationery and any other subject-specific tools as necessary.

Experiment with it and find out what helps you stay alert and focused for longer periods of time.

2. Practice Good Time Management

Perhaps the most important tool you need, be it for work or school, is time management. Although easier said than done, it is important to learn to use your time effectively and productively. Falling into the habit of procrastination will only lead to more stress. Once you manage your time, you will be able to alleviate stress and be more successful.

Keep your schedule updated. Leverage on a digital calendar or buy a planner and keep it up to date with your class timings and study schedule. Do not forget to also make time for rest and recreation. By doing so, also makes it less likely for you to miss anything important, and you can plan ahead for upcoming tasks.

3. Put Yourself First

Avoiding burnout must be a priority. Burnouts will derail all your plans, causing you to be more stressed than ever while also falling behind on your schoolwork. Always carve out time for self-care. Remove from your mind work and school and spend time doing things that you enjoy. Perhaps a day at the spa, or spending time with your friends, whatever helps your brain to find rest and allow it to reset before jumping back into your responsibilities.

Adopting a healthier lifestyle can also only lead to benefits. Incorporate a healthy diet and exercise into your regimen. Having discipline and structure in this sense can greatly impact other areas in life. It helps you to understand the importance of productivity and gives you good energy too!

4. Ask for Help

Do not shy away from help. When the going gets tough, another hand or two can always help to lighten the load. Essay writing, research paper writing, PowerPoint presentations, dissertation writing – these are some of the services that inkmypapers can provide. When you find your hands tied and are unable to find time to complete your school projects on time, inkmypapers offers you quality assurance and good Singaporean writers to help you. Regular updates are also sent to you, so you need not worry about the progress of your assignments.

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