
10 Reasons Why It’s Best To Hire A Freelance Writer For Your Essays And Writing Needs

We all know that students are no strangers to various paperwork. Dissertations, business proposals, expository essays, and reflection papers are just some of them.

With so many things to do, it can get pretty stressful and overwhelming at times, and the quality of your paper might decline due to the lack of time.

Or maybe you feel that you’re not that good at writing a paper in the first place. No matter what your reasons are, low-quality papers may end up becoming a problem for you, since school is full of endless coursework and stressful requirements.

image source: todayonline.com

That being the case, hiring a freelance writer might just be the solution.

Freelance writers are independent contractors who offer their writing services in exchange for money. Often, they’re able to write across a variety of genres and content. Nowadays, freelance writers can be pretty easy to find. With just one search, you can find plenty of websites that offer freelancing services.

Maybe you’re considering hiring a freelance writer for your writing needs by now. If so, allow us to show you the reasons why it’s best to hire a freelance writer for your paperwork!


1. To alleviate your poor writing skills

Of course, this is probably the most common reason to hire a freelance writer.

Lots of professors have high standards when it comes to the quality of your work. This means a low-quality final paper can keep you from reaching that final grade that you’ve been working so hard for throughout the whole semester if the paper’s grade weight is high enough!

That said, just because you have poor writing skills does not immediately mean you’re a bad student. Perhaps it’s simply because you struggle with organising your overall thoughts, or you’re not entirely sure how best to get your point across without making poor word choices with less than ideal phrasing.

Or, maybe it’s simply because you’re struggling with how to follow the given writing format for the paper. Regardless of the reason, it still means you have lots of good ideas, and all you need is a boost to help you bring them to the written page.

Understandably, that’s where hiring a freelance writer would help you greatly. A freelance writer would be able to take care of the practical aspects of the paper. Word choice, outlining, presentation, the works! While you’re able to give yourself more room to come up with the big ideas and novel concepts that would give the paper life.


2. They are experts in the topic

Freelance writers are not only good at handling the practical aspects of any kind of paper. They would also do their best to make sure that the final output is as high quality as the subject would allow it to be!

It is part of their job to do thorough research, which is generally an essential step to do in writing your paper. Some are adept at ghostwriting for a specific topic due to multiple similar requests they have fulfilled over the years.

This makes it much easier for you to take a breath of relief, as you won’t have to worry as much about your professor’s grading methods. On top of that, you’ll be certain that you’ll get those high marks on the final grading in exchange for a fee. Pretty good deal, don’t you think?

So the next time you have a research project or anything that requires research, it’s probably best to leave it to the experts.


3. You might be a bit too involved in your work

Getting too involved in your work isn’t a terrible thing, of course. However, it can make it a bit more difficult for you to spot the kinks in your paper that would need ironing out. This is especially the case if your system is pumped full of the brain chemicals pushing you to finish the paper… without actually considering the overall quality.

Additionally, it’s too easy for us to not realise that we could be over-or under-explaining a specific topic or point in our paper, simply because of our preconceived notions about that topic making it difficult for us to view it from the perspective of a reader.

A fresh perspective is definitely what you need to make sure that your paper is as well-written as possible.

Working with a freelance writer might just be the eye of objectivity that your paper needs for it to improve in its overall quality.

Besides the freelance writer being able to gauge better how best to present what might be an entirely new concept for the reader, they would also be able to see which ideas work and which ideas simply won’t, without being as easily swayed by personal preference.

However, if you really do want to keep a specific idea or concept in your paper,  maybe because you’re really proud of it, or you genuinely believe there’s potential in it, then working with a freelance writer would go far in being able to mould that idea so that it could better fit into your paper without compromising the rest of the content.


4. You have time constraints

A well-written, error-free paper takes time and concentration to complete.

As a student, your time is limited. You can’t just spend all your time and effort on one paper. After all, you have different classes with their own requirements, extracurriculars, social events, and other commitments!

Because of that, you can’t put your 100% into your work. Your paper might only end up getting 75% of the actual effort you want to put in! Of course, that’s not ideal.

This is why working with a freelance writer would probably be the best idea. They, on the other hand, do have the time to spend writing your papers.

As independent contractors,  they don’t have mountains of work or backlogs to do.

They manage their own workload, so if they’ve accepted your request, then it means they’re pretty confident they’ll be able to do it by the deadline. Their schedules are flexible, and they don’t work in a traditional office setting. They can easily accomplish the tasks in a café, a library, or at home.

They can even type a paper whenever they want, whether that would be 3 PM or 3 AM.


5. It makes you more productive

Hiring a freelance writer will also make you more productive.

While you’re off to your next class or going to your organisation’s event, a freelance writer can be reading the draft and ideas you sent them earlier. And while they’re doing that 1000-word essay you need, you can also spend more time studying for that big test you have the next day.

Even taking a rest, sleeping, and allowing more time for leisure are actually productive! Taking care of your mental health and well-being is underrated and must be taken seriously to avoid burnout and reduce overall stress.

To put things more simply, you get more things done when you entrust your other requirements to freelance writers.


6. They are adaptable and flexible

Adaptability is something that freelance writers have in spades.

Granted, some writers would have more flexible timetables than others, but they definitely can be as flexible as you need them to be for the project to be a success. In fact, it’s precisely because of those flexible working hours that they can actually get your job done faster than it would’ve taken if you had done it all by yourself!

For this reason, a freelance writer would be able to build the schedule and development of your project around a timetable that is convenient for both of you (but mostly you).

Furthermore, freelance writers would be very much able to make necessary adjustments to the project as the situation calls for it.

From minor changes in format to significant changes in topics to be discussed, as long as there is good communication between the client and the hired writer, then the necessary edits and adjustments can be made within a reasonable amount of time to the benefit of both sides.

This makes it entirely possible for the final product to still seem as coherent as possible and as if there were no sudden changes at all.

Of course, it’s always worth noting that freelancers can vary drastically from one another, with differences ranging from available hours to personal rules and policies for how they conduct their exchanges with clients.

Thankfully, there are also many writers more than willing to work with you, and there would always be one who could very easily adapt to your project’s requirements and your personal preferences.


7. You have direct communication with a freelance writer

When you hire a freelance writer, you get a direct line of communication with them.

Since you can communicate directly (no middleman necessary), nothing gets lost in translation and the risk of miscommunication is pretty small. You tell them what you need, and they’ll be able to follow what you want exactly, especially with existing chat records.

It also makes things easier if you end up remembering something that you forgot to tell them. All you’ve got to do is send them a message on their preferred platform at any time, and viola, message received.  Most will even reply to you once they’ve seen your message (instead of relying on the “seen” function) and you can be assured that they saw it.

Aside from that, freelance writers can easily contact you if they have any questions or clarifications about their tasks. It can be about something small like a minor adjustment or something big like the criteria you sent. This ensures that your paper can be the best that it can possibly be.

Freelance writers also make sure that their line of communication is always open.

After all, they would always want to get updates on any changes in the project goals or criteria that were to suddenly take place. Additionally, if there are any problems, they would naturally do their best to inform you immediately.

Of course, accidents can happen and they might not be able to inform you immediately, but most will try their best to tell you sooner rather than later.


8. They are someone to brainstorm with

Oftentimes freelance writers offer a more personalised service than what you might expect.

This is due to the fact that they won’t necessarily be working with multiple clients at once, so it’s easier for them to devote a lot of time to each client. They take time to listen, communicate, and collaborate with you to better understand what you need from them.

While talking with them, you can give them your opinions and ideas on things. They’ll also give theirs to you and make several suggestions, to see if maybe there’s something that they could begin building off on to get the ball rolling.

Basically, you could bounce ideas off of them as much as you want. You might improve the original idea or even come up with something better! After all, two heads are better than one.

This isn’t just limited at the start of the process either.

You can contact them at any time while your paper is still in progress. Depending on their policies, they’ll reply to you immediately or after a certain amount of time. They might even take the initiative to contact you first for any tweaks to the paper and new ideas. They’re basically your brainstorming buddy for the duration of the project.

Of course, that isn’t to say that they’ll need you to always be ready for idea pitches whenever possible. If you would like to give the freelance writer you’re working with free reign on certain, or even all, aspects of the project, they would certainly be able to come up with something to meet the criteria set and maybe a bit more.


9. You’re always surprised by the results

Freelance writers are, of course, skilled writers. They wouldn’t be offering their services otherwise! That would just be false advertising. But of course, a mistake you should avoid is to blindly trust them on their word alone. This is where their portfolios come in.

You can check out a freelance writer’s portfolio to see their writing style, the variety of content they can write, and many more. You can also contact them directly to ask questions and get clarifications about things like their rates and their policies. With that, you can be sure that you pay for the quality and content that you want.

Since it’s their profession, freelance writers know what they’re doing. Once you hire them, they’ll do their absolute best to follow the ideas, the content, the criteria, and the guidelines you send them. Most of the time, they can accommodate little changes. Sometimes even big ones too!

Additionally, we assure you that, even if you end up hiring the same person for every paper, they will always surprise you in the end. Freelance writers are so proficient at their work that they end up exceeding most, if not all, your expectations.

Do remember, however, that freelance writers are different from each other, with their own experiences, rates, and policies.

Additionally, be sure to check out different freelance writers and their portfolios so that you’ll be happy and content with the one you choose in the end.

After all, it would be terrible if you end up cancelling the project (with monetary compensation, of course) and you have to find a new freelance writer because you eventually regret picking that freelance writer.


10. You get more than what you paid for

The main drawback of hiring a freelance writer is money. But don’t worry! Freelance writers are actually considered cheaper than other alternatives while still keeping the quality.  Aside from that, there are many freelance writers to choose from.

As we said, you can check out a freelance writer’s portfolio to get a good sense of their ability and rates. And since there are so many, there will undoubtedly be a freelance writer out there who fits the standard you want and your budget.

Freelance writers who have more experience, and are generally considered “better” because of that, have higher rates than those who are just starting out. But there are always hidden gems out there. Who knows? You might be the person who would help them launch their freelance writing career.

In fact, you actually get your money’s worth and more. Freelance writers are independent contractors, so they usually go above and beyond for the work they have to do. They put in more effort to make an impression and, hopefully, build a relationship with you!

Besides, it’s not like the only benefits you get would be high-quality paper. Like we said before, hiring a freelance writer can also make you more productive since it will free up your own schedule and you can do other important tasks.

If you’re truly unsure, you can hire a freelance writer once as a test. After all, nobody ever said you have to keep hiring freelancers after you’ve done it once.


Again, as stated earlier, always keep in mind that freelance writers would vary drastically from one another, and the client-freelancer relationship could always improve with good communication and understanding from both sides, making it all the more possible for that writing job to be every bit as well-executed as it could possibly be.

When it comes down to it, whether it’s for a paper due by tomorrow or a term paper you’re dead-set on acing, freelance writers are definitely more than worth it.

While we did list down 10 fantastic reasons why you should consider hiring them for your next project, there are definitely a few more that we’ve missed that you’re definitely thinking to yourself right now—and really, that’s just a testament to how great of a service a good freelance writer can be to those who need them.

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